Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why to Buy Vaporizer

A Vaporizer is the healthiest you can buy, one thing that I find ideal is the fact that young smokers of today tend to smoke a lot and these young smokers parents believe that they can get their kids to stop smoking easy as 1-2-3 but the truth is they're not going to listen to their parents. My daughter however is 19 years old, and she started smoking at the end of her 18th birthday, kids of today though are so easily influenced that my husband and I tried everything to get my daughter to stop smoking but nothing helped. We explained to her of the many dangers of harmful nicotine and the carbon monoxide that goes with smoking tobacco. 

Vaporizer, I explained to her, is a healthier alternative to smoking, because many people have suffered with lung cancer, and emphysema which is a problem of the lungs you can get from smoking cigarettes and we didn't want her to be a victim to that down the road. So she finally decided that she would slow down but she wasn't ready to stop completely. She felt that smoking made her fit in more with her friends at school and her excuse was the same every time and I assured her that smoking is not a reason to destroy your health and cause your body harm and so I told her that I had a better deal for her since she wanted to continue to smoke, and she was legally allowed to buy tobacco, so I just wanted her to do it in the most healthiest way that I could find, which was with a vaporizer.

I knew there was no way, I was going to get her to quit by pressuring her, but when it comes to teens you can only talk to them and pray they listen; right? That's when I knew that if got her an herbal vapouriser she would at least be in-taking less tar and no more carbon monoxide and it would be way safer.  The herbal vaporizer is a safe way to help my daughter lose the craving that comes with the cigarettes, since they are filled with tar, nicotine, and other harmful toxins. She was very happy with my idea and she felt more comfortable with her vape, don't get me wrong, I'm not encouraging teens to go out and start vaping tobacco, but many teens don't know about the herbal vapourizers that exist in the world today.

A tobacco vaporizer is not going to cause any addiction and they don't bring dangerous fumes into the body. Did you know, you can even vaporize herbs like Vanilla, Clove, and Ginseng among many many others. What I love about the vaporizer is that the vapor doesn't leave a bad aroma in your clothing or around the house. When it's smoked it leaves a savory aroma that you can smell for days on in and it also sticks to everything you smoke near, however you don't have to worry about any bad smell being left on the furniture, with a vaporizer because there is no toxins and no smells. I highly recommend the herbal vaporiser to parents that have teens because if our kids are going to smoke there's no safer way.

1 comment:

  1. Great article on why to buy a vaporizer check out our vaporizers reviews as well https://naturalsmokes.weebly.com/
